
The APO Green in combination with the secondary palette reinforces the unique and exuberant nature that APO plays in the performing arts world. These colors must be dominantly used on communication items such as posters, ad campaigns, show programs, and other materials on behalf of the organization.

For accurate Pantone® Color standards, refer to the current edition of the Pantone Color Formula Guide. Pantone® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.
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Primary Green

APO’s primary color is APO Green, a bold and sophisticated color. APO Green is used in the logo and central to all APO communications. In general, brand applications use the primary and neutral palette.In lieu of APO Green, use Pantone 336.

Secondary Colors

Eight colors make up the APO secondary palette: ruby, red, pink, orange, yellow, light green, dark blue, and blue. Various tints may be used to enhance legibility when necessary.

While it may be tempting to emphasize elements by using many colors, the overall impact of the communication should always be considered. Experience has shown that clear communication is enhanced by limiting the number of colors used on a single communication.


Two warm grays make up the APO neutrals palette. Various tints may be used to enhance legibility when necessary.

Four-color Process Formulas
Printing is often done in “four-color” or “full-color” process. Such printing always uses the standard process colors of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. For example, any publication that shows a color photograph would have to be reproduced in this manner. Color formulas for CMYK are above.

RGB and HEX Color Formulas
Color formulas have been developed for websites, presentations, or any material which is intended to be viewed electronically. Please note that monitors may display color differently.