
The content offered in the links to the right are for use by APO staff and those retained by APO to generate promotional or communication materials on their behalf. Any other use is unauthorized.

Media Assets

(i.e. logos & color palette)

Print Applications

(i.e. inDesign templates)
Follow us!

Primary Logo

The logo includes the wordmark positioned to the below the symbol.

The logo is available in three treatments — color positive, one-color positive, or one-color reverse — to allow for readability on a variety of materials and backgrounds.

Do not attempt to create this logo. Only use official artwork provided by APO.
Color Positive
One-Color Positive
One- Color Reverse

Vertical Logo

The vertical logo includes the wordmark positioned to the right of the symbol.

The vertical logo is available in three treatments — color positive, one-color positive, or one-color reverse — to allow for readability on a variety of materials and backgrounds.

Do not attempt to create this logo. Only use official artwork provided by APO.
Color Positive
One-Color Positive
One- Color Reverse


In certain applications, the symbol may be used independently of the wordmark. If used as a standalone graphic, the full organization name — American Pops Orchestra — must be displayed elsewhere on the communication item.

The symbol is available in three treatments — color positive, one-color positive, or one-color reverse — to allow for readability on a variety of materials and backgrounds.
Color Positive
One-Color Positive
One- Color Reverse


For certain online applications including social media, an identifying icon or “favicon” is recommended.

The favicon is only to be used when visually identifying APO in Instagram, Facebook, or similar social media. It should never replace the APO logo or symbol.

The favicon is available in two treatments — color positive and color reverse.

Do not attempt to create this favicon. Only use official artwork provided by APO.

Clear Space

Allowing for clear space around the logo will provide the necessary visual buffer, or whitespace, to maintain legibility when surrounded by other visual elements.

To determine clear space, measure using one square from the 4x4 grid.

When placing the APO web address (URL) or social tag under the logo or symbol in any application, please abide by the clear space guidelines.

Minimum Spacing

To ensure readability, the logo must never be smaller than 1 inch/24.4mm/72px in width. This reproduction size allows “APO” to remain legible and for the accompanying wordmark text to never appear smaller than 8 points.

The symbol may be used smaller than the logo, with a width of 0.3 inch/8.75mm/24.7px.

Logo Misuse

To ensure readability, the logo must never


When other third-party logos are paired with the brand logo, the two logos should be separated by clear space equal to one square from the symbol’s 4x4 grid. A dividing line equaling 150% of the logo height should be used.